Living Education Book Selections For Year 6

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It’s been a few years since I’ve shared our curriculum choices;

  • partly because of my own insecurities (anyone else get plagued with self-doubt, unsure if you’re “covering all the bases,” doing too much, or too little?),
  • partly because the comparison trap is real, and I don’t want to be responsible for laying one that someone else falls into,
  • and partly because the beauty of homeschooling is that it’s so individualized!

What works for one child may not work for another. Even in our own family, there are enormous differences between how each of our six children learn, and all of them have varying strengths and interests.   

Nevertheless, with predictions of up to a 500% increase in home education this year, we decided to share what we’re planning anyway, with the hope that perhaps someone else may be introduced to something that would be a good fit for their own child. I’ve been helped so much by talking to other homeschooling Moms about what’s working well for them and why. 

Caveat: we don’t adhere to one particular style of homeschooling, although our bent strongly leans towards the Charlotte Mason approach. I don’t call myself a Charlotte Mason homeschooler though, because I’m not as familiar with the theory as I want to be. It’s one of my personal goals to become more acquainted with Miss Charlotte this year through the Delectable Education Podcast, and Charlotte’s Home Education Series 

I suppose the best way to describe our eclectic approach is “a living education with a touch of classical.” It focuses on creating a healthy atmosphere, discipline, and life (Charlotte’s 3-pronged description of a good education). 

  • Atmosphere refers to what your child absorbs from their home environment.
  • Discipline refers to creating and establishing specific habits of character.
  • Life refers to the academic portion of an education, and gives children a feast of living thoughts and ideas to chew on, rather than dry facts.

We don’t use many textbooks, fill-in-the-blanks, or multiple choice; instead, we try to  introduce the kids to different ideas and subjects through living books, which are written by authors who are passionate about their topic, and make their subject come alive, often by using narrative or story form. 

Interacting with God’s Creation firsthand by spending many hours outside is another large component of a living education. It helps hone a child’s observation skills (especially when accompanied by nature journaling), and prayerfully, increases their awe of God as Creator. 

The list of book selections below are for our soon-to-be 11 year-old. I’m still working on putting together a list for our 9, 7, and 5-year-old. If you’re interested in those, let me know and I’ll try to get those up before we start our new school year! (I’m a little behind this year, because, home build!) Several subjects (Bible, Art, Nature Journaling, Music, etc. are often done together as a family). 

Living Education Selections For Year 6


English and Grammar



  • piano lessons
  • The A-Z of Classical Music by Keith Anderson






  • Weekly letter writing

Foreign Language 



  • watercolor
  • pencil drawing
  • sewing
  • gardening 
  • jewelry making 
  • herbalism 

Are there any other living educators out there? We’d love to know what books your kids have loved and gleaned the most from! 


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5 thoughts on “Living Education Book Selections For Year 6”

  1. I would love the lists for your younger children! The Charlotte Maosn method is my ideal type of homeschooling. How to you make nature learning work in Canada? We live in South Dakota (but Im from Arkansas) and I always find it so hard to get out in the winter!


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