When to Repot Orchids – Gardening Tips 2024

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Gorgeous, delicate, and an instant mood lifter, orchids make the perfect addition to any home. While they may start in a smaller pot, orchids will continue to grow, and in this case, you will need to repot them. Read on to learn more about this intriguing flower and to understand the signs that your orchid needs to be repotted.

When to repot orchids? Your orchid doesn’t need a lot of care, which is one of the reasons you bought it in the first place. However, it does need periodical repotting. Be sure to monitor your flower’s roots, which are usually visible above the surface of the dirt. If they are extra tangled or are brown and mushy, then your orchid needs more room. Even if the roots look healthy, you should still repot your orchid every one to two years.

Find a larger pot with drainage holes and use special orchid soil. Transfer your orchid over and fill the container up with soil. You can then place your orchid in a new, decorative container that will not only catch any drainage water but will accent your room perfectly.

Signs that your Orchid needs to be repotted

If you’re new to the world of orchids, it might seem overwhelming to know when they are ready for repotting. The good news is there are a few, simple signs to pay attention to.

Tangled roots

Unlike other plants, orchids will have roots that are visible above the soil. This is actually good they are built this way as it allows a nice visual to see if your orchids need to be repotted.

While orchid roots will naturally become entwined, if they are too close together, this is a sign you should repot them. More breathing room for the roots will result in a healthier plant.

Soft, brown roots

Again, look at your orchid’s roots above the soil. They should be firm and green. However, if they are brown and soft, it means they are taking in too much water.

Orchids adapt to their environment and if there is not enough soil, then the roots will absorb too much water, leading to soggy roots.

The simple solution is to provide a larger pot, and therefore more soil, for your orchid to live in.


These signs are important to notice but if you aren’t sure about the signs, it’s best to simply go by time. Every one to two years you should repot your orchid, regardless if there are any of the above signs.

Many gardeners choose a specific time of the year for their repotting activities so that they don’t have to remember too many dates.

For example, pick the first day of summer or when daylight savings time begins in the spring. Then, around this time you can go through all your indoor plants, including your orchids, and easily repot them in one go.

How to re-pot an Orchid

Whether your orchid is showing signs of tightness or it’s simply time, repotting is an easy process.

Start by selecting the right soil matter. While you can use potting soil, purchasing a ready-made orchid mix is best. It is specially designed for orchids and has all the nutrients you need.

Take the mix and soak it in a large bowl for up to 24 hours. Then, let the water drain so it is not a pile of mud.

Take your empty, larger container, and fill a third of it with your orchid soil matter.

If you have an orchid that is a single-stem variety, place it in the middle of your container If you have a multi-stem orchid, place it against the edge of the container.

At this point, you can observe if your orchid needs a stake for extra support. If so, gently place it in the soil next to your orchid.

Once in place, you can put more soil over the roots. You want to fill the container up until the soil is about ½ an inch from the top of the container.

Water your plant thoroughly. The following day check on your repotting efforts. If the soil has settled too much, add a bit more mix.

What is the easiest way to re-pot an orchid?

For best results in your repotting efforts, you should wait until your orchid has finished flowering. Even if you notice the roots are soft or tangled, you can still wait a bit longer until your orchid’s flowers are over.

Another good time to replant is when there is new growth on your orchid.

Do orchids need clear pots?

Before you grab any old pot for your orchid, there are a few guidelines to consider. The first is to be aware that there is a difference between the plastic pot your orchid will grow in and the decorative container you will see.

When you purchase an orchid, it will probably be in a clear container. They will have multiple drainage holes so the soil doesn’t become soggy.

You do not have to use a clear pot when repotting but you should still use a plastic pot. This is because there will be multiple holes at the bottom.

Plastic flower pots are not the most aesthetically pleasing so you most likely will want to place this pot in a more decorative one. You can choose terra cotta pots or anything to your taste.

These secondary containers will probably not have drainage holes, which is actually good. This way the water will drain out of the plastic container but won’t wreak the floor or table you place it on.

Just remember to purchase a larger pot than the one your orchid currently is in. This will allow its roots to develop and have more room to grow.


Orchids brighten up any household and are easy to maintain. About every year, or if your orchid has tangled or brown roots, you will need to repot your plant.

Find a larger pot with drainage holes and add fresh soil. Then, add your orchid and have it ready to beautify your home.

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