Jade plants are a popular succulent and make for a beautiful accent in your home. However, these plants can be toxic to humans and pets. Find out how to keep your loved ones protected from jade plants and what to do if you or your furry friends come into contact with the plants.
Are jade plants poisonous: Jade plants are poisonous. Their toxicity depends on if you touch or ingest the plant and the quantity of it. Animals are more susceptible to jade plant poisoning, mainly because they are more likely to eat the plants than humans are. Your cat or dog may show signs of lethargy and muscle weakness. Small amounts of jade plants will work through their systems but if you are concerned, be sure to contact your veterinarian.
What happens if you touch a jade plant?
For humans, jade plants are only mildly toxic and most of the concern comes if you accidentally ingest the plants. That said, you should still take precautions when touching your jade plants.
Always wear gloves if you need to move, feed, or trim your jade plant. And, after working with your jade plant, wash your hands well with warm soapy water.
All parts of the jade plant are considered toxic, including the stems, leaves, and roots. However, the sap of the jade plant, along with the thorns, can cause the most damage.
Prolonged exposure to a jade plant with your bare hands can result in skin irritation or a rash. If noticed right away, wash the affected area with soap as this should eliminate most of the toxins from your skin.
Are Jade plants poisonous to humans?
Yes, jade plants are poisonous to humans but only in a mild manner. If you come into contact with the plants with your bare hands, you might have minor symptoms but there shouldn’t be cause for concern.
Jade plants have sap inside their leaves and branches, and this is a more concentrated form of the toxin. If sap comes into contact with your skin, you may see a red rash form or in rare cases, blisters.
Be sure to wash your hands with mild soap and let the area dry. Don’t put any lotions or creams on the area as this can irritate your skin further.
What do I do if I accidentally ate a jade plant?
While jade plants can cause irritation to your skin if you come into contact with the plant, the biggest cause for concern is if you accidentally ingest part of the plant. While uncommon, accidents can happen.
Severe side effects of eating a jade plant include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. You may have stomach cramps and an overall feeling of pain.
You should call a healthcare provider if you experience any of these more severe symptoms. This can include calling a local poison control number or, if you are very worried, going to the hospital.
Your body will naturally want to rid itself of toxins, so even though vomiting is unpleasant, this is actually a good sign as your body is getting rid of the jade plant instead of absorbing it into your body.
Symptoms of jade plant poisoning
Those that come into contact with a jade plant will experience skin irritation in the same localized area. This can include a rash, redness, swelling, and possible blisters.
You might feel a burning sensation in the same area or a feeling of itchiness. If you feel this way, try not to itch the area as it can spread the toxin around and push it deeper into the skin.
If you happen to ingest a jade plant, more severe symptoms will present themselves. A small amount shouldn’t result in anything major but eating a lot of a jade plant will result in more severe reactions.
Common symptoms include an upset stomach and stomach cramps. Your body may try to get rid of the plant which can lead to vomiting and diarrhea.
Are Jade plants poisonous to dogs?
Yes, jade plants are especially poisonous to dogs. All pet-focused institutions list jade plants as a major concern if you have dogs.
If you have jade plants in your home and you have a dog, be sure to place them out of reach of your pets. This is especially true if you need to move your jade plant or are working on it. Dogs are very curious animals and they might want to sniff around while you are working and accidentally take a bite.
If your dog ingests part of a jade plant, the symptoms will be immediate. Behavior changes are the most common and include your dog being depressed, lethargic, or weak.
As for physical symptoms, your dog may be unable to move as much, go into convulsions, and may vomit or have diarrhea.
In most cases, the amount of plant ingested will determine the symptoms as a few leaves will cause mild symptoms but the whole plant will cause severe distress.
Are Jade plants poisonous to cats?
Yes, jade plants are poisonous to cats. It can be harder to protect your cats from jade plants as cats are wily and will climb areas to search out interesting objects.
It might not be enough to place your jade plant on a tall shelf. Instead, you will have to ensure your cat doesn’t have a way to access it.
The symptoms of poisoning from jade plants are similar in cats as what dogs experience. Your cat may appear sluggish and more tired than normal. They may also become aggressive if you try to get too close to them if they are in a lot of discomforts or experiencing pain.
Cats may have a slower heart rate if they eat too much of a jade plant and may have a seizure as their body tries to process the toxins.
Jade plants are gorgeous but they are poisonous. Humans should take precautions while handling the plants, such as wearing gloves but the real threat is to animals who accidentally ingest the plants, so always keep your jade plants away from cats and dogs.
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